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These stories are from a reputed research journalist organisation. Each article heading has a link that takes you to the article discussing the test data reports and publications where the information has come from. This is 5 months worth of articles to be a resource of research for your SISEL business J
TOOLS: It means = easy access Generic Information you can copy and paste into an email for your contacts for downline to use. E.g Someone wants info on Diabetes and which ingredients would be good for them à just scan down this list quickly and copy and paste any article heading and LINK about Diabetes. Most of the articles below have info on ingredients that are in the SISEL products in most cases – especially SPECTRA AO!!! …..à then you can give them the info on Spectra AO!!!
LEARNING: It means = easy access to training info for you and your downline. You could concentrate on one product and send several links for that product eg Berries in SupraMaxx or Spectra AO etc and educate them quickly and easily on the info.
The Ingredient lists for SISEL products are attached. Page 1 & 2 = FuCoyDon, Page 3 = Spectra AO, Page 4 = SupraMaxx for Her, Page 5 = SupraMaxx for Him.
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Access Full StoriesVegetables, but not fruit, may slash diabetes risk
A higher intake of vegetables, rich sources of fibre, antioxidants, and magnesium, may reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes by almost 30 per cent, suggests a new study... Read
Magnesium linked to fewer gallstones
Increased intake of magnesium from dietary supplemental forms may decrease a man's risk of developing gallstones, suggests a new study from the US... Read
Blueberry extracts may cut food intake, reduce obesity
Rats fed extracts from blueberries gained up to 10 per cent less body weight than their furry counterparts not consuming the extracts, says new joint research from New Zealand and the US... Read
Functional chocolate creeps up on mainstream
A quarter of Western consumers are interested in chocolate with physical or emotional health benefits, according to Barry Callebaut, indicating that there is a strong market for functional products... Read
Curcumin may cut heart failure risk says research duo
Curcumin, the natural pigment that gives the spice turmeric its yellow colour, may protect against heart failure - in mice at least - suggests a new study from Canada... Read
Supplements - do we ask too much?
Taking a range of supplements from vitamin A to zinc is becoming part of everyday life. But as the latest study is published questioning their efficacy, people could be left wondering do they work?... Read
Sea buckthorn berries could join natural preservative club
Extracts from the up-and-coming fruit sea buckthorn berries (Hippophae rhamnoides) could inhibit the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in processed meats, boosting shelf life, suggests new research... Read
Black tea may slash Parkinson's disease risk
Drinking at least 23 cups of black tea a month, or about three-quarters of a cup a day, may slash the risk of developing Parkinson's disease by a whopping 71 per cent, suggests new research from Singapore... Read
Co-Q10 may ease fatigue after exercise: study
Supplements of coenzyme Q10 may boost physical performance and reduce feelings of tiredness associated with exercise, Japanese researchers have reported... Read
Fat-free milk may lower blood pressure
An increased intake of calcium and vitamin D from non-fat dairy could reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure, suggests new research from Harvard... Read
Probiotics give endurance athletes' immune boost: study
Supplements of probiotics may boost the immune health of long distance runners, protecting them from respiratory illnesses, suggests a small study published today... Read
Berries and pomegranate - the ultimate Valentine's combo?
Are berries and pomegranate may be more appropriate for lovers young and old than flowers and chocolates? Recent studies suggest benefits on heart health and in the bedroom... Read
Pomegranates beat apples for antioxidant boost: study
The juice of pomegranate is more effective than apple in boosting the body's antioxidant defences, which decline naturally with age, reports a new study... Read
Olive extract may protect against AMD
A polyphenol from olives may protect against macular degeneration associated with age orthe damaging effects of chemicals in tobacco smoke, suggests a new study... Read
Antioxidants and carotenoids linked to AMD improvements
Supplements of antioxidants and carotenoids may improve retinal health in people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), suggesting a role beyond prevention, suggests a new study from Italy... Read
Sterols play major role in dietary portfolio for hearts
Almost one-third of cholesterol reductions achieved by consuming a heart-healthy diet are due to plant sterols, suggests a new study from Canada that supports the ingredient's efficacy... Read
Omega-6 is in the shadow of omega-3, group says
The potential of omega-6 in the role of improving behaviour is overshadowed by the better-known omega-3 fatty acids, a research facility has said... Read
Green tea extract's Janus Effect on stomach health: study
The green tea polyphenol (-)-epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG) may slash the risk of gastric cancer among women by 75 per cent, suggests a new study from Japan... Read
Lycopene, zinc linked to better prostate health
Lycopene, zinc and vitamin D show a 'weak association' for protection against benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), a condition said to affect more than half of all men over the age of 50, suggests a new study... ReadAnthocyanins show potent anti-obesity potential: study
Anthocyanins, antioxidant pigments from fruit and vegetables, have a "significant potency" against fat cells and could be used for the prevention of weight gain, suggests a new study from Japan... Read
Lab study questions sweeteners for weight control
Sweetening foods with artificial sweeteners like saccharin may lead to increased body weight and fat build-up, suggests a study with rats that goes against intuition... Read
Maternal micronutrient supplements boost baby weights
Supplements of micronutrients during pregnancy may result in bigger and heavier babies, relative to babies born to mothers taking only iron and folic acid, suggests a new study... Read
Study backs berries for heart health benefits
A diet rich in berries may boost levels of good cholesterol and improve blood pressure, indicating their potential benefits for heart health, says a new study from Finland... Read
Zinc, vitamin A pills show malaria benefits: study
Supplements of vitamin A and zinc may protect children from malaria, suggest results from a new randomized, double blind trial published this week... Read
Beetroot juice may lower blood pressure: study
Drinking just 500ml of beetroot juice a day can significantly reduce blood pressure, suggests a new study from London... Read
Fruit has potential for natural sports nutrition product
New Zealand fruit researchers are looking at the potential of a fruit extract to boost muscle function... Read
Lycopene supplement aimed at skin protection
LycoRed has developed a carotenoid ingredient for supplements which is aimed at protecting the skin from sunburn - a move taking advantage of the rising beauty from within segment... Read
Astaxanthin may boost muscle endurance and fat loss
Astaxanthin, the carotenoid mostly associated with eye health, may enhance the burning of fat during exercise and lead to improved muscle endurance, suggests a new study with mice that needs to be repeated in humans... ReadLow folate levels may increase dementia risk: study
Folate deficiency may increase the likelihood of developing dementia by 3.5 times, suggests a new study from the UK and Korea... Read
Survey says supplements could help fill nutrition blackhole
A fifth of adults in the UK ignore nutritional guidelines when it comes to buying food, a survey has revealed, which could further open the door for dietary supplements... Read
Probiotics may ease gut problems in people with HIV/AIDS
Probiotic supplements may ease the suffering from diarrhoea and nausea amongst people with HIV and AIDS, suggests a joint study by African and Canadian researchers... Read
Folic-acid linked to fewer pregnancy complications
The risk of pre-eclampsia, which affects two to three per cent of all pregnancies, may be reduced by multivitamin supplements that contain folic acid, suggests new study... Read
Higher vitamin D needed for diabetes benefits?
Combined supplementation with vitamin D and calcium may not reduce the risk of diabetes, suggests new research that challenges previous studies... Read
Lost African fruits would benefit from technology, says report
The application of modern horticultural techniques could revive cultivation of traditional fruits in Africa like baobab, butterfruit and tamarind, according to a new report... Read
More work needed for fatty acids role in brain health
Research is urgently needed in the area of nutrition and its effect on behaviour, a parliamentary inquiry in the UK has said... Read
Folic acid intake may also reduce premature births
The risk of having a premature baby may be halved if women take folic acid supplements for at least one year before conception, suggests new data... Read
Science builds for bilberry extracts kidney benefits
Extracts from bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) may protect the kidney from the damaging effects of potassium bromate, suggests a new study with mice... Read
Polyphenol-rich fruit protect against Alzheimer's: study
A diet rich in polyphenol-rich fruit like apples, oranges and bananas may protect against oxidative stress linked to loss of cognitive function and Alzheimer's, suggests a new study... Read
Soy isoflavone linked to blood pressure improvements
Genistein, an isoflavone from soy, may stimulate the expression of an enzyme linked to better blood flow, suggests a new animal study that my have implications for high blood pressure in humans... Read
Pomegranate juice boosts sperm quality: study
Regular consumption of pomegranate juice may enhance the quality and mobility of sperm, suggests a new study with male rats... Read
Berry extracts better than whole fruit for obesity: study
Purified forms of extracted anthocyanins from berries may decrease obesity, but the whole fruit doesn't produce the same benefits, suggests a new study with mice... Read
Cranberry extracts show promise against gullet cancer
An increased intake of fruit and vegetables may cut the risk of Barrett's oesophagus, a precursor to oesophageal cancer, suggests a new study form California... Read
Fruit and veg may slash gullet cancer risk
An increased intake of fruit and vegetables may cut the risk of Barrett's oesophagus, a precursor to oesophageal cancer, suggests a new study form California... Read
Indian gooseberry - the new superfruit?
A plant extract based on the Indian gooseberry has an antioxidant capacity higher than scores of other fruits, including blueberries and strawberries, the manufacturers claim... Read
Fruit extracts could calm you down
New Zealand based HortResearch is examining the potential fruit may have on mental performance and hopes that a fruit based product will be able to offer consumers a calming effect... Read
Carotenes linked to lower heart disease deaths
An increased consumption of alpha- and beta-carotene in the diet may reduce the risks of heart disease deaths by about 20 per cent, suggests a new study... Read
Science stacks up for B vitamins and pregnancy
Low maternal vitamin B12 levels in combination with certain genes may have detrimental knock-on effects to the offspring, suggests a new Dutch that reports higher risk of heart problems... Read
Late-onset Alzheimer's slowed by DHA omega-3
Supplements of the omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) can reduce levels an enzyme linked to Alzheimer's disease, suggests a new study from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)... Read
Omega-3 with high fat meal eases cardiovascular changes
Consuming the omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid along with a high fat meal may counter the detrimental effects on arterial stiffness, suggests new research... Read
Low vitamin E levels linked to greater physical decline
Low blood levels of vitamin E are linked to greater physical decline in older people, suggests a new study from Yale University School of Medicine... Read
Citrus flavanones show neuroprotection potential
Antioxidant compounds in citrus fruit may have a role to play in protection against neurodegenerative diseases, suggests a new lab study from Taiwan... Read
Supplements can help cut 3.5m infant deaths, report finds
Vitamin A supplementation, zinc fortification and improved breast feeding could help save the lives of 3.5 million children who die from undernutrition, a major study on infant nutrition has found... Read
Probiotics may ease stress-related gut problems
Gastrointestinal problems associated with stress may find relief from probiotic supplements, reports a new study from Lallemand... Read
Young women's bones also benefit from soy: study
Habitual consumption of soybeans and isoflavones may increase bone mineral density in young women, suggests a new study that adds to others looking at older women... Read
Vitamin B6 may slash colorectal cancer risk
Increased intake of vitamin B6 from dietary and supplements may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by over 20 per cent, suggests a large Scottish study... Read
Soy's cholesterol-lowering mechanism identified
The cholesterol-lowering effects of soy protein may by located in the liver, suggests new research from Korea University and Nestlé Research Center that fills in the gaps in our understanding of the heart... Read
Trans-fats harm may extend to prostate: study
Increased intakes of trans-fatty acids may increase the risk of non-aggressive prostate tumours by about 100 per cent, suggests new research from Harvard... Read
More support for lycopene's prostate benefits
Lycopene may show benefits against benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), a condition said to affect more than half of all men over the age of 50, suggests a new study from Germany... Read
Vitamin D2 may cut risks of elderly falls
A daily vitamin D2 supplement of 1,000IU may cut the number of falls among elderly people by about 20 per cent, says a new study... Read
Soy linked to less belly fat in postmenopausal women
A daily soy supplement may prevent abdominal fat increases in post-menopausal women, suggests a new study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham... Read
Study questions lignans for colorectal cancer protection
Increased intake of lignans, and subsequently levels of metabolites in the blood, may not be associated with colorectal cancer risk, says a new study that challenges previous findings... Read
Pomegranate flower extracts also show heart benefits
Extracts from the flower of pomegranates may reduce the lesions associated with artery hardening by 70 per cent, higher than levels observed by the juice, suggests new research... Read
Demand for superfruit aronia rockets
The superfruit aronia has seen a massive rise in launches over the past 10 years and has shown no sign of slowing down, according to data from Mintel... Read
Legumes linked to lower diabetes risk
An increased intake of legumes like peanuts and soybeans could reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes by over 40 per cent, suggests a new study... Read
Low vitamin D levels linked to increased heart disease risk
Low levels of vitamin D could increase the risk of cardiovascular events like heart attack, heart failure or stroke by 62 per cent, suggests a new study from the US... Read
Vitamin C linked to lower stroke risk: study
Increased blood levels of vitamin C may reduce the risk of stroke by 42 per cent, suggests a large European-based study... Read
More support for whole grains for healthy hearts
An increased intake of wholegrain products, in combination with a reduced calorie diet, led to weight loss and cut levels of a protein associated with heart disease, says a new study... Read
Vitamin D2 just as good as D3?
Challenging the view that vitamin D3 is more potent than D2, researchers from Boston University have reported that both forms are equally effective at maintaining 25-hydroxyvitamin D status... Read
Soy isoflavones linked to easier breathing
Four weeks of supplementation with genistein, an isoflavone from soy, may suppress the inflammatory process and ease breathing and explain previous reports linking the isoflavone to reduced asthma severity, suggests... Read
Wine polyphenols may reduce effect of fatty food: study
Polyphenols from wine may reduce the negative impact of high-fat foods, according to a small study from Israel that suggests a role in the formulation of healthier food products... Read
Omega-3 Alzheimer's benefits identified
Increased intake of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may boost the production of a protein known to destroy the plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease, reports a new study... Read
Study supports pomegranate extract's safety
An ellagitannin-rich pomegranate extract is safe and effective in enhancing the antioxidant profile in humans, scientists have reported... Read
Maternal omega-3 consumption boosts offspring's coordination
Increased intake of the omega-3 DHA during pregnancy could produce improved motor function in the offspring in later life, suggests a new study from the Netherlands... Read
Organic certificate boosts fucoidan appeal
Marinova has been handed an organic certificate for its fucoidan seaweed extract, which the company says makes it the only certified extract of its kind on the market... Read
Meta-analysis adds weight to soy's bone benefits
Increased soy isoflavone consumption from dietary or supplemental sources for six months can boost bone mineral density in the spine by almost one gram in menopausal women, according to a meta-analysis of 10 randomised... Read
Excess folate worsens B12 deficiency effects: study
The effects of vitamin B12 deficiency may be exacerbated by too much folate, suggests a new study from Tufts University... Read
Meta-analysis supports fibre for uterus cancer protection
For every five grams of dietary fibre per 1000 calories, women may reduce their risk of endometrial cancer by over 20 per cent, suggests a new meta-analysis... Read
Isoflavones may stop benign breast lumps: study
The potential benefits of soy isoflavones for breast health may extend beyond malignant tumours, as a new study suggests a lower incidence of benign breast cysts... Read
Moderate beer intake may cut Alzheimer's risk: study
The silicon content of beer may protect against the deleterious effects of aluminium on brain health, suggests a new study with mice from Spain... Read
Green tea extracts may stop Parkinson's: study
The antioxidant effects of green tea polyphenols may protect neurons against the detrimental effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO), thereby offering potential benefits for Parkinson's,... Read
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